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Why iObeya

Digital Obeyas for hybrid teams

A work space structured as a physical Obeya

Best in class integrations

Jira, ADO or custom made with the API (0365 &Power automate...)

Digitize Lean and Agile Systems

Adopt Visual Management System
for your Lean & Agile methods

Enterprise-grade security

The leading secure solution
on the market

Product Highlights

Browse and read the latest product news and announcements from the iObeya team

Discover the full range of iObeya features

Boards, cards, facilitation mode, integrations and more...

By Industry


Defense - Aerospace



Sanofi x Forrester

in savings achieved through optimized meetings

Discover many teamplates

Download our ready to use Lean, Agile and Visual Management templates including kanban, SQCD, ROAM....


Customer testimonials



Product highlights


Discover many templates

Resource Center

A dedicated space for our users to improve their visual management practices and new ways of working within iObeya

Lean corner

Explore Our Library of Lean Standards Cheat Sheets

Your guide to Manufacturing, Operational Excellence, Continuous Improvement
& much more.

June 12, 2025 - Massy, FRANCE

iObeya User Exchange 2025

Sign up now for our must-attend annual event... with exclusive new features in store!


Customer testimonials

Check out all of our customer and partner testimonials


Learn more about Visual Management


Find out more about our past and future events

Product highlights

Browse and read the latest product news and announcements from the iObeya team


Discover the full range of iObeya features

Discover many teamplates

Download our ready to use Lean, Agile and Visual Management templates including kanban, SQCD, ROAM....

Resource Center

A dedicated space for our users to improve their visual management practices and new ways of working within iObeya

Lean corner

Explore Our Library of Lean Standards Cheat Sheets

Your guide to Manufacturing, Operational Excellence, Continuous Improvement & much more.

Pourquoi iObeya

Environnements de travail hybrides

Un espace de travail organisé comme dans une Obeya physique

Les intégrations les plus performantes

Jira, ADO ou sur mesure via l'API (O365 & Power automate...)

Digitaliser vos systèmes Lean et Agiles

Passez au Système de Management Visuel pour vos méthodes Lean & Agiles

Sécurité de niveau Enterprise

La solution la plus avancée du marché en matière de sécurité

Nouveautés produit

Parcourez et découvrez les nouveautés produits, ainsi que les dernières annonces de l’équipe iObeya

Découvrez l'ensemble des fonctionnalités de iObeya

Panneaux, cartes, facilités d’animations, intégrations possibles…

Par industrie

Défense - Aéronautique



Sanofi x Forrester

16,5 M€

d'économies réalisées grâce à des réunions optimisées

Découvrez nos templates

Téléchargez nos templates prêts à l’emploi pour vos pratiques Lean, Agile et de Management Visuel, dont Kanban, SQCD, ROAM, …


Témoignages clients



Nouveautés produit


Découvrez nos templates

Resource Center

L'espace dédié à nos utilisateurs pour améliorer leurs pratiques de Management Visuel et leurs nouvelles méthodes de travail au sein d'iObeya.

Lean corner

Découvrez notre bibliothèque de fiches pratiques Lean

Votre guide ultime pour l’excellence opérationnelle, l’amélioration continue, l’alignement stratégique et plus encore !

12 Juin 2025 - Massy FRANCE

iObeya User Exchange 2025

Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant pour notre événement annuel incontournable... avec des nouveautés exclusives à la clé !


Customer testimonials

Check out all of our customer and partner testimonials


Learn more about Visual Management


Find out more about our past and future events

Product highlights

Browse and read the latest product news and announcements from the iObeya team


Discover the full range of iObeya features

Discover many teamplates

Download our ready to use Lean, Agile and Visual Management templates including kanban, SQCD, ROAM....

Resource Center

A dedicated space for our users to improve their visual management practices and new ways of working within iObeya

Lean corner

Explore Our Library of Lean Standards Cheat Sheets

Your guide to Manufacturing, Operational Excellence, Continuous Improvement & much more.