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Performance Management System: Combining Real-Time shop floor Data and Visual Collaboration 

4 minutes read

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Real-Time shopfloor data encompasses all information that will help you quickly assess where your shopfloor stands against daily targets and standard routines. This information can be both quantitative (ex.: adherence to schedule) and qualitative (ex.: type of breakdown or loss cause).  

Currently, this data can be captured by sensors, stored in data lakes and processed by data visualization tools such as Tableau®, PowerBI®, QlikSense®, and more.  While those are powerful tools, they are not enough for effective shopfloor management as they are separate from the collaborative part of the job, which involves working on-site to solve problems and eliminate root causes. 

The real challenge, then, becomes how to best leverage real-time data once you have it.  

The solution is found in the ability to both collect the data as well as determine the necessary stakeholders, actions, responsibilities, and timelines.   This is where iObeya excels: it merges the two essential aspects of performance management— performance measurement and implementation of countermeasures—within a single visual management platform.   iObeya’s user experience, which emulates paper-based practices, facilitates rapid and precise decision-making for shopfloor teams, leading to efficient, collective action execution. 

Capturing the Pulse: Seamless Integration of Real-Time Shop Floor Data into iObeya 

With its APIs, iObeya enables the push of data directly from your equipment. This is what we achieved in collaboration with our integration partner, Siskon, by simulating a live data flow from a virtual polishing machine straight into our performance management boards.  

On one board, adherence to the plan for each shift (number of good parts versus the target) and the corresponding Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is updated automatically every 15 minutes. 

This GIF shows an iObeya dashboard updating adherence to the plan for each work shift and the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE). Updates are automatic every 15 minutes and include visual indicators and gauge charts.

On a second board, there is an automatic update of the OEE per shift, including its components, to provide a trend overview for the entire month. 

This GIF showcases an iObeya dashboard updating the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) and compliance with the plan for each work shift. The OEE and the number of conforming pieces versus the target are automatically updated every 15 minutes. The dashboard includes visual indicators, bar charts, and an action plan section.

The iObeya boards, designed to mimic paper, offer limitless possibilities to reconfigure our data visualization blocks, empowering the team with with relevant, up-to-date, and easy-to-understand information. 

Transforming Data into Insight: Enhancing Value Through Visual Collaboration 

Having all the necessary information at a glance means we’ve completed only half of the task.  

The remaining challenge is to determine the best use for all this data.  

iObeya delivers a unique collaborative environment — ATAWAD: Any Time Anywhere Any Device) — to oversee the entire countermeasure implementation process.  

Whether it’s a straightforward “just do it” task, a team-based A3, or an intricate cross-functional DMAIC project, iObeya is adaptable to any problem-solving methodology.  

iObeya : the Ultimate 360° Command Room 

Woman using a computer with a headset, in front of a large iObeya screen displaying a performance management dashboard.

In summary, iObeya acts as the central hub for an organization’s operational strategy. It transcends simple data presentation by creating a common space where real-time insights and collective intelligence unite.   

This command room equips teams not only to visualize data but also to readily act on it with strategic foresight. It represents the fusion of the agility of real-time data with the thoroughness of collaborative problem-solving.  

Teams transition from insight to action with remarkable swiftness, ensuring that each decision advances operational excellence. It is clear that iObeya gives companies a competitive edge, thanks to faster, better and more efficient decision making. 

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